Effective October 22, 2024 – The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD-2023-00694-A) for Cessna Citation Model 525, 525A and 525B aircraft with Tamarack Active Technology Load Alleviation system (ATLAS) winglets installed per STC No. SA03842NY.
The ATLAS system lessens the increased wing loads associated with the installation of winglets, detects flight conditions, and modifies airflow at the wing tips accordingly. The ATLAS system will draw power constantly to operate the logic circuit and provide power to the actuators to maintain the TACS position. The AD was prompted by a report of the potential for failure of the ATLAS system in which a loss of load alleviation would be unannunciated.
The FAA is issuing this AD to address the potential for unannunciated loss of load alleviation, which, if not addressed, could lead to flight crews flying the aircraft into conditions that exceed limit load as well as fatigue cracking on the aircraft’s primary structure. This could result in loss of safe flight and landing.
Required actions include:
- Installation of placards on the left-hand Tamarack Active Camber Surface in accordance with steps 1 through 3 of the Accomplishment Instructions on Tamarack Aerospace ATLAS Service Bulletin SBATLAS-57-06, Issue A, dated April 19, 2023
- Revision of Normal Procedures section of the existing aircraft flight manual (AFM)
For more detailed information, view the entire Airworthiness Directive (AD) here:
Compliance is required within 60 hours of service time or within 6 months after the effective date of this AD, whichever comes first.
For more information on this Citation 525 AD, or any other Citation-related maintenance issues, please contact one of the Citation Specialists listed below:

Pat Welch
Technical Sales Manager
Cell: 618.604.7008

Jerry Sheetz
Manager of Technical Sales
Office 970.683.4852

Jeff Messmer
Technical Sales Manager
Cell 314.607.4069

Todd Hyatt
Technical Sales Manager, Textron
Cell 407.414.3662
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